Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fifth Grade China Unit- Science and Technology

Mr. Ski's fifth graders worked in groups to research and present information on a Chinese invention.  They used the electronic databases from the lower school library, websites, and information provided by Mr. Ski to complete these projects. Using Google Presentation, each group created eight slides to be presented to their science class. Students used the comments and messaging sections of Google Presentation to interact with each other in school and at home.

Short Hills Update

Things have been busy in Short Hills. Mr. Haber's fourth grade Social Studies class worked on Explorer projects in google drive. Each fourth grade student worked on a google presentation for a famous explorer.  Using books provided by the lower school library and the library database, Marshall Cavendish, each fourth grade student researched information on the explorer’s life. Google Presentation was available to students during school and at home under the school-wide google drive account.  Students shared their finished presentation with their classes.

The Kidspiration App (on the iPads) was also used for story planning and character trait analysis in fourth grade reading classes with Mrs. Casey.