Thursday, October 17, 2013

Faculty Share

October 17, 2013 What a great faculty meeting yesterday! Mrs. Ogden shared the first grade's projects in Kidspiration and Spellboard ( see previous post).  Dr. P shared information on Google Drive. She is doing great things in her classroom! She has her students vote on the weekly vocabulary words by completing a form she makes in Google Docs.  Mrs. Euwer showed some amazing projects her third graders are making to study landforms

She is using:

            Book Creator     AND            Evernote

As a faculty, we decided to use Doodle to have parents sign up for their own conference times on Conference Day. This is usually a HUGE time commitment from teachers, but with Doodle parents can choose what time they want to come in on Conference Day.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kidspiration and Spellboard

What a GREAT day in Short Hills!
1- Ogden worked with two APPS today during Reader's Workshop.

We used Kidspiration to add words to the er word family. Kidspiration is a graphic organizer. We originally used this app to get to know things in our town.
 Mrs. Ogden had a great idea to use this app to have the boys and girls create words with er in them. To challenge the boys and girls we had them create word bubbles coming out of their ed bubble in the center of their screen and then they could think of other ed words that related to the first set.

Spellboard is a GREAT app for practicing word study, spelling, or word families, like we did today. Students record their words in sentences and then they practice the class words by listening to everyone's sentences. They can continue working on the quiz until they get all of the words correct. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

icreate iplay ilearn

October 8, 2013

Senora Yorkshire and I visited Stewart Country Day School in Princeton, New Jersey. We went to a World Language Workshop hosted by NJAIS called icreateilearniplay. Check out the google site:
We found some really great apps for classroom use. Two that I found particularly useful were called Pic Collage and Haiku Deck. They are filled with pictures ( so you don't have to have your students google search images. Senora Yorkshire and I thought they would work for vocabulary practice.